Monday, December 7, 2009

What a difference a day makes...

This is what I woke up to today friends... a nice dusting of snow in the Virginia mountains... it was beautiful... don't believe me? Check this one out... tell me that's not awesome!

Having said that... I experienced the seasons in reverse today... After driving 615 miles... I arrived in Savannah Georgia... and what a beautiful city it is...

Are we seeing this difference between this morning, and this evening people??? I hope so, or you all need to get your eyes checked!

So a couple of things for you from the drive down from Virginia to Georgia...

Nothing is the same here! Friends, did you know that McDonald's doesn't have a bacon McMuffin down here? I know! I was able to get one, but I had to order a regular McMuffin without the Canadian bacon (don't even get me started on Canadian bacon) the add regular bacon to it... you'd think I asked for lobster from the look on the woman's face...

As I was coming into North Carolina, I looked up to see a fellow Canadian on the road in front of me... a car full of Quebecois! I pulled up next to them, and dutifully waved my Canadian flag for them to see... and amazingly enough (after seeing I was from Ontario) they didn't spit at me, but rather cheered and waved... it was a nice moment of national pride...

Friends... I almost drove off the road again today... it had nothing to do with weather, or snow or even anything I did... but when I see a sign advertising the worlds largest doll store, I do have a small stroke... (I may not have told you friends, but I am terrified of porcelain dolls... and I don't think you an blame me...

I think the reason why the dolls freak me out so much is that they all look like children, and they're all lifelike, but they don't move... so it's like being in a room full of dead babies!

Entirely disconcerting...

The last leg of the journey begins tomorrow morning, 4 hours to Orlando friends... this is really happening... sweet!

Keep on Reading

Great day, but tired from all the driving... so today gets a...
3.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
December 7th, 2005:
The world premiere of Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe takes place at Royal Albert Hall in London, England.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the porcelain dolls. They creep me out too... along with ventriliquist dolls. I know why they look so life like. Apparently in the mid to late 1800s they used to make the dolls for girls in the image of the actual girl.. going so far as using some of her hair too... CREEPY
