Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And here I am...

That's right friends, I've finally made it... I'm in Florida... moved in and unpacked!

I'm gonna start by saying (knowing as how most of you are in Canada) that it is a balmy 22 degrees here, with a projected high of 28 for tomorrow... very nice indeed...

I have now met all of my roommates... they seem like nice guys, so far...

Two Italians and a French guy... and so far all of them have asked me if I speak French. Apparently it's well known across the world that French is spoken in Canada... just not in which parts.

Tonight will be a short one friends... after driving 2180 Km in the last three days... you're reading the blog of one tired Canadian...!

But I will share a story with you...

While standing in line at a store today there were two quintessential southern ladies standing behind me. I'm not saying there were wearing petticoats and twirling parasols, rather they were wearing their cleanest dirty shirts and twirling their hair. The following I heard come from one of their mouths (I didn't dare turn around and see which one...)

"Well, now I much prefer Big Lots, you don't gotta get all dressed up like was you going to Walmart. You can wear your sponge rollers at Big Lots, and I mean, you can wear them at Walmart, but you can tell they's judging you for it..."

You know you're in the south when...

That's all for tonight friends, time for some sleep... long day tomorrow.

Keep on reading!

Seeing as how I'm finally here... I'll do this for the first time...
5 out of 5 Corporate Logos. Let's see how many more of those we can get...

On this Day in Disney History:
December 8th, 1936:
An evening story meeting takes place at the Disney Studio to once again discuss the personalities and characteristics of Snow White's dwarfs. Finally settling on Doc, Bashful, Dopey, Sleepy, Grumpy, Happy and Sneezy... here are some of the other personalities considered by Walt and his team... Jumpy, Deafy, Dizzey, Hickey, Wheezy, Baldy, Gabby, Nifty, Sniffy, Swift, Lazy, Puffy, Stuffy, Tubby, Shorty and Burpy.

I really think I would've liked to have seen them pull off Deafy... and I wonder who he would've replaced...

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