Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Town That Disney Built...

Today friends, I visited Celebration Florida... the town that Disney built...

It is one heck of a quaint little town... I almost expected Barbara Billingsley to walk out on the front porch of one of the houses... pearls, apron, the whole bit... I didn't, but I almost expected it... judge for yourself...

And if those places look at all familiar it's because they sit on a familiar street... Last time, on Desperate Housewives...

Now... I'm not saying that it's purely coincidental... but Celebration was built in 1994, by Disney... ten years before Desperate Housewives premiered on ABC, a Disney owned company... where the characters live in similar looking houses, on a street with the same name... that's a pretty big coincidence...

In addition to the houses of Desperate Housewives... there was also the downtown area of Celebration...

A panorama made as my photographer friend taught me to make it...

I may have more on Celebration later on... but that's all for now...

Today friends, I had my first Disney Celebrity sighting... while up at the Disney Beach Club Resort (on a hidden Mickey hunt, that I'll have more on at a later time) I found myself in the Cape May Cafe... and who should be sitting in front of me... the husband and wife acting team of Angela Bassett and Courtney B. Vance... cool!

They were the hosts of tonight's Candle Light processional at Epcot... but there you go... celebrities in our midst friends!

That's all for tonight friends... having said that...

Keep on Reading!

Between Celebration, the HM hunt, and the celeb sighting... today was a pretty good day!
5 out of 5 Corporate Logos... I know, I know... but it was a pretty good day!

On This Day in Disney History:
December 27th, 1927:
Disney's Oswald the Lucky Rabbit short Rickety Gin is released. For those not in the know... Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was Walt's first cartoon success however, he was owned by Universal and they didn't allow Walt to continue with him. He said that he would then take his animators and start his own studio. Universal informed hm that in addition to owning Oswald, they also owned his animators and they sent him packing. It was on the train from New York to Los Angeles after this fateful meeting that Walt doodled a small mouse named Mortimer. Upon showing it to his wife Lillian, she told him the Mortimer was a silly name, and he should call him Mickey... the rest is history.

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