Sunday, December 13, 2009

The most magical place on earth...

Just go ahead and tell me friends that that isn't one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen... now just imagine it in person, with all of those little lights twinkling away... as the castle changes from blue to red to purple to pink and back again. Awesome.

That's right friends... myself, and some of my fellow new arrivals went to the Magic Kingdom last night. And we deserved it. We'd spent the entire day doing Traditions, a course that every Cast Member (read: Employee) of Disney must go through, which teaches you about where Disney came from, where it is and where it's going.

We rode Pirates of the Caribbean, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, and took in Mickey's Philharmagic, Wishes Fireworks Spectacular and the SpectroMagic Parade of Lights. It was all fantastic (as only Disney can do).

One of the members of our group had never been to the Magic Kingdom before. She was running around like a five year old on Christmas morning that had a private audience with the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. It was hilarious, but then again, it is always nice to see Disney through a kids eyes... which is what it was like. Go Jess!

Tonight that same group will be hitting up Disney's Hollywood Studios... and I'm sure it will be just as amazing... but in order to find out, you have to...

Keep on Reading!
The Canadian

I'm that much closer to actually starting work, plus last night was awesome... so it gets an awesome rating
4.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
December 13th, 1975:
Disney announces it will begin construction of EPCOT in 1976, instead of 1977 as originally planned. This was back when the current day Epcot was going to be the Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow... before it changed to a full theme park, paving the way for yours truly to eventually come and work there... which I start tomorrow.