Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The older you get... the older you feel...


Just outside my apartment there is currently a Mardi Gras party taking place... it's a party being thrown by Disney programs for all of the international and college program participants. It's a rockin' jam with a live Dixie band... New Orleans'd Disney characters... and some great Cajun food.

Here's the problem... most of the people in attendance are from the college program. And there is nothing that makes you feel older than being surrounded by people who are younger than you. In a little more than two months I'll be turning 27 years old... that makes at least 7 to 9 years older on average than most of the other people at this party.

I know twenty-seven isn't that old... but it is when compared to 18-20 year olds that have just arrived at Disney and are still bright eyed and bushy tailed...

Just a little rant...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Am I the only one who believes...

...that the mark of a good shower is good water pressure...?

Hello friends! Who's everyone doing? To update you... I moved. I'm no longer living in The Commons, I am now living just down the street in Patterson Court. Let me tell you why. Two reasons.

1) Most of my friends live in Patterson, and if you don't live in the same complex as them, you can't hang out after 1 am... and this past week I've taken full advantage of hanging out with my friends past 1am.

2) The Commons is a hole.

Having said that, at least they have good water pressure in their showers. P-court may rock, but the pressure in the shower leaves something to be desired. It's ok though... something can, and trust me... will be done about it. Not sure when... but I'll keep you all informed.

Other than that, not much else new is happening... however, I do start my first official day of restaurant assignor today... and I'm very much looking forward to it.

Keep checking back for updates...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Extra... Extra... Read all about it...!

Hello Friends! Once again, I do apologize for my absence... but sometimes, at the end of the night... one is too tired from the fun and the work to sit down and blog...

Ok... so to catch you all up.

I am now an assignor at work. The assignor is the guy who decides which tables are going to be sat and in which servers section they will be sitting. It's kind of like playing 'restaurant tetris' it's fun, it's challenging, and it's not in the slightest bit like the seater position with a lot of hurry up and wait... as a side note, the servers all seem to think I'm pretty good at it. Guess I fooled them! No, but honestly... it's something I'm looking forward to doing until I can get into service myself.

Speaking of which... yesterday I went to the restaurant on my day off to spiel for my manager Linda. In order to get into service, one must spiel to two different managers to show that you not only know what's on the menu, but also know how to talk to guests. Those of you who know me personally will find it of no great shock that yes, I know how to talk to people... So I went in and did my spiel for Linda... and while I was doing that, another of our managers (Yelitza) also happened to be in the room and she signed off on me as well... Spiel one... check. Spiel two... check. Now all I have to do is wait for a position as food runner to open up and I'm golden... for after food runner comes server... and after all, that is what I came here to do.

Shameless plug alert! I just finished reading this very good book and I would like to recommend it to anyone that knows how to read... is in the slightest bit non religious... has ideas about eastern philosophy... or just loves good satire. It is called Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. In a nut shell it fills in the thirty years of Jesus' life that we don't know about. Creating, at most times, a plausible accounting of what went on between The Birth and The Miracles. Pick it up, give it a read and then thank me... I know you'll want to. It's funny, it's sad, it's compelling... it's good.

Speaking of good... last night I went t a place called Howl at the Moon. What a fun place! There are two pianos on the stage, and a crowd full of people ready to rock. The players rock out all night long with dueling pianos, while taking requests from the crowd that is nice and lubricated... possibly because of the whole buy one drink get two free situation... but you don't need to be drunk to enjoy. I know because I wasn't. I had two drinks and still had a good time. The reason for my lack of drinking had to do with the fact that I was driving... and why was I driving? Well that's a great question friends. Let me tell you!

The previous night I attended the regular Saturday night outting for a lot of Canadians by going to a bar called Cowboys. Nice place... country bar where you pay your cover and then drink as much beer as you can before 1 am... (if you were wondering I had six between 12 and 1) but a shit show of epic proportions. In Florida, there are a lot of unlicensed cab companies in operation. Guys that own large vans that will drive you from A to B and charge you money for it. Not a big deal, so long as the driver knows what he's doing. We used one of the 'big van' drivers to take us there.

While on the way, not only did he miss the exit on I-4 but rather than drive on to the next exit, our "driver" pulled over onto the shoulder, and then reversed... yes REVERSED on the interstate to get back to the exit. Upon getting to the bar I tore a strip off him. His excuse was "he was trying to save us time." Nay nay my friends, that didn't fly with me. "Save us time?," I said... "Save us TIME? Just imagine how much later we would have been had you killed the fifteen people sitting in the back of your van!" Reluctantly, we paid him for a round trip, laboring under the assumption that he was going to come back and get us at the end of the night. Big assumption. He never showed. Fifteen people sat in the parking lot of this bar until 3:30 in the morning waiting for this "driver" to show up. And he never showed. We were able to get a legit cab company to come pick us up... and finally got home. Just a little after 4 am... two whole hours AFTER the bar had closed.

The moral of that story is... go legit, or don't go. Period.

I think that's gonna do for now friends. I'm sitting here racking my brain trying to come up with anything else that could be considered interesting... and I can't... but I'll leave you with this... it won't be nearly as long until my next blog... I hope. However, once it does arrive...

Keep on Reading!

Seeing as how I'm trying to fill in almost a whole month here... I'm going to say that it's been pretty good and give it a solid
4 out of 5 Corporate Logos.

On This Day in Disney History:
January 25th, 1961:
Disney's 17th animated feature film 101 Dalmatians - featuring the voice of Rod Taylor - premieres. It is the first Disney feature to solely use the Xerox process for transferring the animators' drawings to cels. Prior to this, each one of the animators' drawings had to be hand-traced in ink onto a cel. Just imagine having to draw all of those spots by hand... talk about murg!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CiCi's Pizza... blech...

While out with a friend yesterday, we got a coupon for a buy one get one free at CiCi's pizza buffet. Do yourselves a favor friends. Don't go to CiCi's pizza.

The food was doughy, and the people were even doughier...

I can't decide if my favorite was the fat mother wearing her cleanest dirty shirt... her brother wearing the t-shirt that said "Do I Look Like I'm a Fucking People Person?"... the woman who, in the 25 minutes we were there, took seven separate trips to the buffet... the man who took an entire tray from the buffet and the manager had to come and take it back... or the woman who was wearing her sponge rollers and a bandanna while eating her "soup" and "salad."

You decide which would be worse...

The food... well, I won't be able to tell you what the full CiCi's experience is all about until this bout of dysentery is over and done with... the buffalo chicken pizza wasn't bad... and neither was the brownie (but for the nearly full half inch of powdered sugar on top), but you really need to ask yourself what's wrong with a pizza place when the bread sticks, not the pizza is the best thing on the menu...

That's one of the big problems in this country... with so many buffets, for so cheap of a price... you get these poor fat families that don't have to spend a lot of money, but still get fatter... I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm amazed that the state of Florida, considering it's shape, hasn't snapped off and floated out into the Atlantic ocean...

Other than that, I was a little homesick the last few days... but I"m getting over it... and things are back on track...

That's all for now, but...

Keep on Reading,

Due to the homesickness and the experience with CiCi's pizza plague... toda won't get a great rating...
2.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
January 12, 1999:
Actress and Disney Legend Betty Lou Gerson, who supplied the voice for Cruella De Vil in Disney's 101 Dalmatians, and provided the narration for Cinderella, passes away in Los Angeles, California.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

To the two who actually read...

I apologize for not updating in a long time... no, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth... no, my fingers didn't freeze (although Florida is insanely cold... at least for Florida) and no, I didn't forget that I was keeping a blog. Ok, maybe I did... but only for a few days.

Yesterday I spent the day at the Magic Kingdom, and it was great... didn't ride much, but boy did I have fun... the Magic Kingdom is pretty during the day...
But it's even better at night...

And trust me friends... you don't know fun until you've actually danced in a Magic Kingdom parade, and done the bump and grind with Frozone from The Incredibles...

The Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It parade is the newest offering from the Magic Kingdom, and it gives the guests the opportunity to celebrate and have fun with Frozone and Mr. Incredible... Baloo and King Louie... Woody and Jessie... and Sebastian, Lumiere, The Mad Hatter and all of their other friends... as corny as it sounds... it was a really good time.

I also had the opportunity to watch my boss and his special friends celebrate the fact that dreams do come true, and watch them defeat the evil magic or Captain Hook and Maleficent...
And then there was Epcot... I did a tour of the world... and Andrea (the girl in the picture with me in front of Cinderella's Castle that you saw above) and her hats off to the world... stay tuned for more on that.

I'll close with this... is there anything prettier than a geodesic sphere light up with the beauty of the night...?
I think not...!

It was a great day friends... and I had a lot of fun... and to find out more you have to...

Keep on Reading,

On This Day in Disney History:
January 9th, 1928:
Disney's Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon Harem Scarem is released. You all read about Oswald in an earlier blog... as an update... The Disney Company now, once again, owns the right to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit... this company rocks!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is it already the second week of the year?

Wow how time flies when you're having fun... and getting drunk. That's right friends... the first two weeks of the year have gone by in a bit if a blur... don't judge me for it. I'm having a blast.

I'm well into my restaurant work. Seating guests, greeting them and the podium, and all around just entertaining them while they're waiting for a table.

There's been the New Year's party... which was fun... there was the anything but clothes party... which was even more fun.

I hit up The Studios and the Animal Kingdom Lodge with Andrea, one was fun, the other was beautiful... you decide which was which.

My mother is on my case about a lack of blogs, so I'm writing this short one to satisfy her... I have to head to work now, but I'll be back again to write a longer one...

Keep on Reading,

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Town That Disney Built...

Today friends, I visited Celebration Florida... the town that Disney built...

It is one heck of a quaint little town... I almost expected Barbara Billingsley to walk out on the front porch of one of the houses... pearls, apron, the whole bit... I didn't, but I almost expected it... judge for yourself...

And if those places look at all familiar it's because they sit on a familiar street... Last time, on Desperate Housewives...

Now... I'm not saying that it's purely coincidental... but Celebration was built in 1994, by Disney... ten years before Desperate Housewives premiered on ABC, a Disney owned company... where the characters live in similar looking houses, on a street with the same name... that's a pretty big coincidence...

In addition to the houses of Desperate Housewives... there was also the downtown area of Celebration...

A panorama made as my photographer friend taught me to make it...

I may have more on Celebration later on... but that's all for now...

Today friends, I had my first Disney Celebrity sighting... while up at the Disney Beach Club Resort (on a hidden Mickey hunt, that I'll have more on at a later time) I found myself in the Cape May Cafe... and who should be sitting in front of me... the husband and wife acting team of Angela Bassett and Courtney B. Vance... cool!

They were the hosts of tonight's Candle Light processional at Epcot... but there you go... celebrities in our midst friends!

That's all for tonight friends... having said that...

Keep on Reading!

Between Celebration, the HM hunt, and the celeb sighting... today was a pretty good day!
5 out of 5 Corporate Logos... I know, I know... but it was a pretty good day!

On This Day in Disney History:
December 27th, 1927:
Disney's Oswald the Lucky Rabbit short Rickety Gin is released. For those not in the know... Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was Walt's first cartoon success however, he was owned by Universal and they didn't allow Walt to continue with him. He said that he would then take his animators and start his own studio. Universal informed hm that in addition to owning Oswald, they also owned his animators and they sent him packing. It was on the train from New York to Los Angeles after this fateful meeting that Walt doodled a small mouse named Mortimer. Upon showing it to his wife Lillian, she told him the Mortimer was a silly name, and he should call him Mickey... the rest is history.