Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is it already the second week of the year?

Wow how time flies when you're having fun... and getting drunk. That's right friends... the first two weeks of the year have gone by in a bit if a blur... don't judge me for it. I'm having a blast.

I'm well into my restaurant work. Seating guests, greeting them and the podium, and all around just entertaining them while they're waiting for a table.

There's been the New Year's party... which was fun... there was the anything but clothes party... which was even more fun.

I hit up The Studios and the Animal Kingdom Lodge with Andrea, one was fun, the other was beautiful... you decide which was which.

My mother is on my case about a lack of blogs, so I'm writing this short one to satisfy her... I have to head to work now, but I'll be back again to write a longer one...

Keep on Reading,

1 comment:

  1. Am I one of the two who actually read the blogs??? I kept coming back every day to check to see if you've written.. Kinda forgot to look farther down the archive list to see the 2010 part. Glad to see you are alive down there. I've got two reasons and soon to be three reasons to get my butt down there to at least visit. You lovey are reason number two. Definitely miss hanging out with you. Glad to see the new year is treating you kindly. I'll be around waiting for the next blog to arrive:)

    Canadian who's heart is in Wisconsin.
