Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CiCi's Pizza... blech...

While out with a friend yesterday, we got a coupon for a buy one get one free at CiCi's pizza buffet. Do yourselves a favor friends. Don't go to CiCi's pizza.

The food was doughy, and the people were even doughier...

I can't decide if my favorite was the fat mother wearing her cleanest dirty shirt... her brother wearing the t-shirt that said "Do I Look Like I'm a Fucking People Person?"... the woman who, in the 25 minutes we were there, took seven separate trips to the buffet... the man who took an entire tray from the buffet and the manager had to come and take it back... or the woman who was wearing her sponge rollers and a bandanna while eating her "soup" and "salad."

You decide which would be worse...

The food... well, I won't be able to tell you what the full CiCi's experience is all about until this bout of dysentery is over and done with... the buffalo chicken pizza wasn't bad... and neither was the brownie (but for the nearly full half inch of powdered sugar on top), but you really need to ask yourself what's wrong with a pizza place when the bread sticks, not the pizza is the best thing on the menu...

That's one of the big problems in this country... with so many buffets, for so cheap of a price... you get these poor fat families that don't have to spend a lot of money, but still get fatter... I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm amazed that the state of Florida, considering it's shape, hasn't snapped off and floated out into the Atlantic ocean...

Other than that, I was a little homesick the last few days... but I"m getting over it... and things are back on track...

That's all for now, but...

Keep on Reading,

Due to the homesickness and the experience with CiCi's pizza plague... toda won't get a great rating...
2.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
January 12, 1999:
Actress and Disney Legend Betty Lou Gerson, who supplied the voice for Cruella De Vil in Disney's 101 Dalmatians, and provided the narration for Cinderella, passes away in Los Angeles, California.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch.. that's not good at all. And has made me lose all appetite for pizza now.lol
