Saturday, January 9, 2010

To the two who actually read...

I apologize for not updating in a long time... no, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth... no, my fingers didn't freeze (although Florida is insanely cold... at least for Florida) and no, I didn't forget that I was keeping a blog. Ok, maybe I did... but only for a few days.

Yesterday I spent the day at the Magic Kingdom, and it was great... didn't ride much, but boy did I have fun... the Magic Kingdom is pretty during the day...
But it's even better at night...

And trust me friends... you don't know fun until you've actually danced in a Magic Kingdom parade, and done the bump and grind with Frozone from The Incredibles...

The Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It parade is the newest offering from the Magic Kingdom, and it gives the guests the opportunity to celebrate and have fun with Frozone and Mr. Incredible... Baloo and King Louie... Woody and Jessie... and Sebastian, Lumiere, The Mad Hatter and all of their other friends... as corny as it sounds... it was a really good time.

I also had the opportunity to watch my boss and his special friends celebrate the fact that dreams do come true, and watch them defeat the evil magic or Captain Hook and Maleficent...
And then there was Epcot... I did a tour of the world... and Andrea (the girl in the picture with me in front of Cinderella's Castle that you saw above) and her hats off to the world... stay tuned for more on that.

I'll close with this... is there anything prettier than a geodesic sphere light up with the beauty of the night...?
I think not...!

It was a great day friends... and I had a lot of fun... and to find out more you have to...

Keep on Reading,

On This Day in Disney History:
January 9th, 1928:
Disney's Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon Harem Scarem is released. You all read about Oswald in an earlier blog... as an update... The Disney Company now, once again, owns the right to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit... this company rocks!

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