Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And away we go...

Ok friends... I sit her in my lovely khaki pants, and my even lovlier black and red checkerboard shirt... about (not aboot) to embark on my first day at Epcot. I'm excited as all get out. Also, I'm rocking this outfit, and if you can look good in this, I'd wager a guess that there is nary an article of clothing you couldn't look good in... trust me.

Yesterday was what is known a Discovery Day at Epcot... what I discovered was this... I already knew all that. But it was fine... out facilitators did a good job of making at all go by smoothly.

Today I will actually be at work at the Disney Epcot theme park...

Coffee... check
PB&J... check
Knowledge that I'm gonna rock at this... double check!

I'm going to go in there and be the best damn Disney cast member since Walt told his wife he was going to name his newly created mouse Mortimer... and she told him that was too formal... try Mickey instead...

Never forget, it all started with a mouse... but would that mouse have been nearly as popular if Lillian Disney hadn't spoken her mind? I don't know, neither do you... and history has already been recorded... Mickey Mouse... the most iconic cartoon character ever to grace the celluloid.

Wish me luck friends... this is going to be awesome...

That's all for now, but...

Keep on Reading,

The last few days were great on the scale of learning things, so I will give this week a rating of...
4.5 out 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
December 16th, 1952:
WED Enterprises is founded as a private company owned solely by Walt Disney to design and create Disneyland and to manage Disney's personal assets. WED stands for Walter Elias Disney. (In 1986, WED will be renamed Walt Disney Imagineering.) Already hard at work on the theme park project are Walt's first 3 Imagineers ... Harriet Burns, Fred Joerger and Wathel Rogers. Ahh to be an imagineer... now that my friends, would be a job....

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