Saturday, December 19, 2009

The busy (and the fun) leads to a lacking...

Hey there friends...

Sorry for my absence... but I've been very busy (and let's face it) having far too much fun to take a few minutes and sit down and write... I know, I know... it's not an excuse... but it's my blog and I'll use it as such if I so please!

So much has been happening... I've completed my first two days worth of training on the popcorn cart at Epcot... sounds like challenging work I know, but it's been fun... and you get soooooo much guest interaction. Seriously though, working the p-cart isn't hard... yet. I can imagine being out there by yourself it will get to be a little challenging, but fun nonetheless.

On to the fun stuff... my arrival group and I have been hitting up the various parks... having ourselves a blast with our free Disney entry...

Aren't we hot?

As a group at least... look at us individually and you might think differently... these people are my family for the next year, so I'm glad I ended up with such a nice group of kids...

Last night I hit up the Hollywood Studios with the two girls in black... we didn't have time to ride much... but we did get in The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror... which is just as awesome as I remember it... we also got the chance to ride Rockin' Roller Coaster with Aerosmith... fun as all get out... if you haven't had the opportunity to ride it yet... please do so, you won't regret it... and that was it for the Hollywood Studios...

Today, with some more of my arrival group and I hit up Disney's Animal Kingdom...
That friends, is the tree of life... make it bigger, see if you can pick out the animals carved right into the tree... there are over 320 animals carved into the tree by twenty artisans... and it took over 18 months to construct... oh, and all those leaves (All 100,000 of them) were individually placed... by hand. Yea... that's a lot of work. This is why you are struck by it's beauty as soon as you see it... nice eh?

We hit up the safari... too many pictures to post... But it brought back a lot of memories, as the safari was where I worked the last time I was a cast member... we got soaked on the Kali River Rapids... soaked to the bone friends... unpleasant as there was a chill in the air... and we rode Expedition Everest... a truly awesome experience...And that was my day... all in, a great one...

And there are more to come... so...

Keep on Reading,

I'm going to count the last few days of training, the trip to the studios and today's trek to the Animal Kingdom all in one day... and it gets a rating of...

4 out of 5 Corporate Logos... I take one logo off because the water gods broke our deal, and I got wet on the Kali River Rapids... that's right Latis, Enki, Nun and Poseidon I'm talking to you... and I'm not impressed...

On This Day in Disney History:
December 19th, 1998:
Test Track opens at Disney World's Epcot. Eleven years it's been open... and still the lines are long... crazy...

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