Friday, December 11, 2009

An odd thing...

Ive noticed something very odd here... something that I'm not used to seeing at home.

On the side of the road... interstates, state roads, even just regular streets. Cars. Abandoned.

Just left on the side of the road. You can tell they've been abandoned because they have a sticker in the upper left corner of the rear window. I assume that it's placed there by the state troopers so that tow trucks know to tow them... but here's my question. Who is driving along I-4 and thinks to themselves... I'm done with this vehicle. I think I'll just leave it at the side of the road, and walk home... this makes little to no sense to me.

Also... I was at the mall today, and I stepped into a shoe store. There I saw a pair of shoes the were 50% off... and still cost $500.00... I believe my best friend summed it up best when I asked him what a pair of shoes would need to have in order for him to spend $1000 on them. His response... "$950.00 cash"

That's all for today friends...

Keep on Reading

Today was a day off where I had nothing to do... and spent most of the time bored.
3 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
December 11th, 1992:
Walt Disney Pictures releases The Muppet Christmas Carol - the fourth
feature film to star The Muppets, the first distributed & produced by Disney, and the
first produced after the death of Muppets creator Jim Henson. The film is directed by Jim
Henson's son Brian and stars Michael Caine as Ebenezer Scrooge. It is also, aside from Scrooged starring Bill Murray, this blogger's favorite representation of the Dicken's classic Christmas tale...


  1. Only one Christmas Carol movie can be equal with A Muppet Christmas Carol and that is the Alistar Simms one. We've been quoting Rizzo downstairs during the play. I noticed that as well regarding the cars... They must pull out a spare from somewhere. Also to let you know. Once you get to the Pavilion, let me know. I've sent my friend Kimi (who works MK) on a mission to find you. :)

  2. Im guessing some of the owners of said abandoned cars are walking around cause they had to choose between the car repo man or the $1000 shoe repo man....Decisions, decisions..
