Sunday, December 6, 2009

Give em' free speech...

...and that's what you get.

Hello friends! I'm sitting here in my cousin's living room/great room/family room/room where the TV is after a fun filled day in Washington D.C. My cousin (a former D.C. resident) took me around and showed me a few of the sights, a few of the 'hoods... Adams Morgan, Georgetown, Dupont Circle... we had a lovely lunch at a diner called The Diner (how cute) and went to a few of the Smithsonian museums (Natural History and American History).

Two highlights for the day...

The Festivus Pole... for those of you unfamiliar (because apparently you've been living on Mars with your head under a rock, and your fingers in your ears) Festivus is the holiday introduced to the world by Seinfeld (not the comedian of course, but the show). I'll leave it to you to find out more if you don't know about it... but right there, in the heart of Adams Morgan, on a street corner was The Festivus Pole. A place where people can confess and list the airing of grievances... it was great... here is one for you...

Isn't that nice? And the exclamation point is priceless... How about this one?

Seinfeld hits again... there are notepads and Sharpies hanging from the board... I wish I would have taken more pictures... but that's all I've got... if you're ever in D.C. get to the intersection of Columbia Rd. and Adams Mill... it's worth the stop.

The second highlight was something else... there are all kinds of protesters in D.C. but this was different... As my cousin and I came out of the Smithsonian Museum of American History, there was a man yelling at the top of his lungs... I... I can't really give it justice with a description. So watch this... (sorry that I didn't actually get the guy, I just wanted you to hear him...)

Fun wasn't it? Yes that's right... this man was with his child and wife (this couple is proof enough that procreation isn't for everyone)yelling... at the top of his lungs... about Abortion, and how you can't let Satan steal the seed of your unborn child... but what made it art friends, was that when his voice got tired... his kid actually started to yell about it for him... I honestly couldn't believe it... but this is what happens when you give your citizens free speech!

Today I got to hang with my favorite cousin, who I haven't seen in five years... plus, I got to witness the Festivus board, and hear the Abortion Man sharing his woes... and I'm another day closer to Disney... so it gets a great rating!
4.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day In Disney History:
December 6th, 1937:
A sneak preview for Disney's first full-length animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs takes place in a theater in Pomona, California.

That's all for today friends...

Keep on Reading!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious!!!
    That guys was nuts
    & the festivus pole is almost worth a trip to Washington, D.C.
