Friday, December 25, 2009

So This is Christmas...?

And what have you done? Well friends, I've sat around in my shorts in balmy, albeit overcast, 25 degree weather. It just doesn't feel like Christmas... Cinqo de Mayo perhaps... but Christmas? Nada.

Last night I had the pleasure of attending a Christmas Eve party with my fellow Canadians and this morning, after opening gifts on Skype with the family, going to a Christmas breakfast with a different group of fellow Canadians... but all of the X-mas revelry aside, it still just feels like a Friday.

I'm not complaining though... I'm just saying.

Today I finish up my last shift on the popcorn cart in Canada at Epcot... not to say that it will be my very last shift, but tomorrow I have the day off, and Sunday I start my seater/greeter training for Le Celier... I don't terribly mind being on the P-Cart, as I get alot of great guest interaction...

The one thing that seems to surprise everyone the most is that we (the Cast Members of Canada) are actually Canadian! One day this week, a woman came up to me, looked at my name tag which says "Josh - Pickering, Ontario") and remarked... "Pickering? My principal is from Pickering" "What's his name?" I asked... sure that I wouldn't know him... there are over 90,000 people in Pickering. She says "Howard Laderman" "Well yes," I said, "I know Howard quite well... I went to both elementary and high school with his daughter, and he and his wife are very good friends of a friend of my mother's" And then I heard the theme for it's a small world start playing in my head... Turns out Pickering isn't as large as I thought it was...

And now I must go ready myself for work... the moral of today's blog is this... if you find yourself in Epcot, at Canada, and you are from the GTA (Greater Toronto Area for those of you not in the know) come by and say hello... I may have gone to school with your child, delivered newspapers with your neighbour, or attended acting lessons with your manicurists son... you never know, unless you inquire...

Keep on Reading,

Seeing as how it is Christmas (regardless of what it feels like) and I do have to work... I'll give today a okay-ish rating...
3 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
December 25th, 1963:
Disney's 18th animated film The Sword In The Stone is released. Merlin the Magician (voiced by Karl Swenson) teaches a young boy (voiced by Rickie Sorensen) who is destined to be King Arthur. The film marks Wolfgang Reitherman's first solo directional effort for a feature film.

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