Thursday, December 10, 2009

Work... of the paper variety...

Hey friends!

Sorry for missing out on the blog yesterday... it's been a busy busy couple of days. Between paperwork, orientation, more paperwork, going to the Magic Kingdom, a little bit more paperwork and catching up with an old friend... I haven't had the time to sit for five consecutive minutes and blog... oh, did I mention the paperwork?

Apparently coming to work for Disney means that you need a pen with a full compliment of ink... and a surface on which to sign your name... in fact, I've written my own name so many times over the last two days that the words have lost all meaning for me...

I'm well on my way to actually starting work for the company (that's right, even with all the paperwork I've already done, I still haven't even technically started to work for them yet) at which point I'm sure there will be more... you guessed it... paperwork!

I did however, get to go to the Magic Kingdom yesterday... and it's still as awesome as it ever was. I only had the time to experience three attractions... Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hall of Presidents (the new Barack Obama is nice, but... it only sort of looks like him. I think it's the eyes... they're too small) and Mikey's Philharmagic (If you've never experienced this, you should. Although the name is misleading... as Donald Duck, not Mickey Mouse, is the star of this attraction). It was very nice to be back in the first park that I ever worked at for Disney.

Last night, I had the opportunity to catch up with an old friend. One that I haven't seen in over three years. We picked up right where we left off... as if it had been just the day before. A very comforting feeling... being away from most of the people that I know and love.

After that, there was the welcome party. The nine or ten new arrivals to the Canadian pavilion were welcomed by the entire pavilion (except those that chose to go to the winter formal instead... you know who you are...) and it was an awesome time! I also found out that of the new guys arriving at Canada (I'm one of three) I'm the only gay guy among the group. Much to the chagrin of some of the women in the pavilion. Sorry ladies... I didn't pick the hand... I just deal with what I was dealt.

Tomorrow I have the day off. No idea what I'm going to do yet... but I'm sure I'll find some sort of trouble to get up to...

Having said that... for the time being... I've got nothing else...

Keep on Reading

I'm going to have to mash together today and yesterday on the corporate logo scale... and so...
4.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
December 12th, 1999:
An official agreement is signed between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the Walt Disney Company regarding the building and operating of Hong Kong Disneyland. Marking the fifth Disney theme park (after Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney) to be built...


  1. Hope you enjoy the day off. There are probably a few sights around Orlando you could see before the mouse takes over.

  2. That's right, right here on the dotted line.

    And here. Here. Here too. Inital here. And here.



