Friday, December 4, 2009

And so it is...

Hello friends... I do apologize for my absence. It has been c-RAZY busy in the world of TheCanadian.

But here we are... my last day in Canada. My clothes are packed, my car is packed, my... everything, is packed. And so here I go. Between the busy with getting ready, and the regular mundane, I didn't want to bore you all... but felt it only right that I leave one last blog before I leave The Great White North for the Sunshine State!

On the upside... my first hotel for the drive down, is located right across from Tysons Corner... which is apparently a huge mall, and quite the shopping experience... so that I am looking forward to...

On This Day in Disney History:

A 1931 Mickey Mouse doll sells for 4,370 pounds (about $7,250) at a Christie's Teddy Bear auction in London, England.

That's one mouse that went for a lot of cheese...

On a sad note friends, I just found out today that Wayne Allwine passed away. Granted it happened seven months ago, but I just found out today. For those of you unfamiliar, Wayne was the voice of Mickey mouse for my entire life... the only Mickey that I've ever known. In addition to that he also is one of only three men, including Walt Disney himself and James MacDonald, to provide the voice of Mickey Mouse. The voicing duties of The Mouse have now been taken over by Bret Iwan. Wayne is survived by his wife Russi Taylor the woman who provides the voice for Minnie Mouse (yes friends that's right, the voices of Mickey and Minnie Mouse were married in real life).

You will be sadly missed Wayne... Rest In Peace.

Keep on reading!


  1. Well you know you have a dedicated reader when for the last few days I've been checking at least twice a day to see if you have posted anything.

  2. Thanks Cailyn... :) That makes me smile...
