Monday, November 23, 2009

20 years is a long time...

Hello friends! Sorry for my absence the last few days, but I've had nothing to blog about... and I wouldn't want to bore you with the mundane...

I've come to a point in my life where I can finally remember things that happened twenty years ago... it doesn't make me feel old, just experienced... around the age of five is when I really started to remember things... I have sporadic memories from before that, but five or six is when the memories flow like a movie being streamed from on-line.

Twenty years... a lot has happened.

I'm forced to stop and think about it as today is the twenty year anniversary of when I joined a dysfunctional family. At least that's what 'they' call it... and personally, I take offense to that. My family functions just fine... it's just a little fractured is all.

Looking back on it, do I wish that I had had a "normal"family? It might have been nice... but I don't think so... My one family has gotten by just fine... aren't we cute? Had my family not become fractured, I wouldn't have gone to the elementary and high schools that I went to... I wouldn't have the friends that I have, and they mean the world to me... and I more than likely wouldn't be the person that I am today. I might have liked the person that I would have become, but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't!

I also wouldn't have my other family... after my parents split, my dad married another woman, bringing a step brother into my world, followed eventually by a half-sister and half-brother... and contrary to what one of my friends says... there are no steps or halves involved... I have three brothers and a sister... and having a large extended family means a lot to me :)

After twenty years, things have settled into a nice groove, family wise, and I look forward to seeing what the next twenty will bring... yesterday was kind of a sad day friends. I went to see my extended family to say goodbye before leaving for the Sunshine State! After saying goodbye to everyone, it hit me that there is a good chance that that is the last time I'll ever see my 101 year old grandfather. He is a truly awesome person, and the patriarch of a family that has 35 members and is still going strong! Go Grandpa!

Enough of the melancholy... 12 days friends!

In honor of the start of the rest of my life 20 years ago on this date... I'll give today a solid rating of 5 out of 5 Corporate Logos!

On This Date in Disney History:
November 23rd, 1951:

Disney's Goofy short No Smoking, directed by Jack Kinney, is released... this is an interesting one friends. This short film, which was kept off of television due to its content, traces the history of tobacco from Christopher Columbus to modern (at least in 1951) day tobacco companies. Goofy plays a character named George Geef who is trying to kick the tobacco habit...
The following is a list of things that Goofy, as Geef, goes through in search of something to smoke:
  • He tries to go into a tobacco store, but it's now closed. He then swipes a cigar from the wooden Indian statue near the door. He is about to light it, but a voice calls out "Ugh!" and a well-thrown tomahawk splits the cigar in half.
  • He finds some tobacco from a man filling his pipe and a small piece of paper. He then tries to roll his own cigarette the old-fashioned way, but he gets it everywhere.
  • He tries to pick up a discarded cigar, but a foot steps on it, flattening it and gets his hand in the process, leaving an imprint on his hand that reads, "Pussyfoot".
  • He picks up another cigar near an elevator doorway, but the door closes on the cigar and as the elevator rises, so does the cigar.
  • He goes into a smoking room, but is kicked out because it's for women only.
  • He struggles with a hobo to get a cigarette, but the hobo wins.
  • He tries to grab a cigar rolling down the street, but it falls into a drainage grate.
  • He grabs what looks like a cigar from a man with a bunch of them, but it's actually a now-leaky fountain pen.
  • He picks up a white pipe, but it gets blasted to bits as a target in an amusement park shooting gallery. A man then says, "And the little man wins a big cigar!"
  • He looks up to see a janitor on a skyscraper drop a cigarette. He eagerly holds out his hand to get it, and even tries to use a ladder to get it, but when he does, it's spent completely; nothing but ashes are left of the cigarette.
  • Finally, an elderly gentleman gives him a cigar, but it's an exploding cigar, which Goofy still smokes, while the narrator says, "Give a smoker enough rope, and he'll hang on to his habit."
Gawsh... I wonder what would have kept this film from being shown on Television?

That's all for today friends,
Keep on reading!



  1. Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar.
    You're gonna go far, fly high,
    You're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try; they're gonna love you.
    Well I've always had a deep respect, and I mean that most sincerely.
    The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think.
    Oh by the way, which one's Pink?

  2. You there, small man... stop quoting Pink Floyd on my blog...
