Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What's makes a good name... these days, apparently anything...

Today friends, I got to thinking about names... you see, I work at a restaurant, I won't name it... but it's a chain restaurant, it's very nice, and the food ain't cheap... but it is good.

Today, I worked a double shift, in once for the lunch shift then take a break, then return again for the dinner sitting. On my lunch shift I had a table of six... let's call them "ladies of a certain age" and I decided to name them. The names that I was able to come up with for them were Mae, Ida, Mildred, Agnes, Hazel and Franny... as I said, ladies of a certain age... so they get grandma names to match. They were very nice, and they tipped very well... so I was happy with my experience.

Then I returned for my evening shift, and at the same table I had another group of six ladies... this one of the teenage persuasion. I gave them names as well. Brittany, Meghan, Megan, Ashley Tiffany and Madison. Very nice girls, could have tipped better, but I'm not complaining about what I got... but don't worry, I do have a complaint. See... it's the names. About half way through these girls meals, it occured to me that eventually... 40 or 50 years down the road, these girls will be "ladies of a certain age."

This started a whole new line of thought. Something along the lines of... Grandma names are about to change.

No longer will we hear of Doris, Tilly, Daisy or Helen... no no my friends, the decision will need to be made as to whether Christmas is being spent at Grandma Brittany's or Nana Tiffany's... and maybe it's just me... but something about that just doesn't seem right. I can deal with the Grandma names changing... it's those darn Grandmas slacks I don't want to see go. (You know the ones I'm talking about friends... made of a poly cotton blend, and only come in colors like plum and peacock blue)

17 days friends... (and thanks to those of you have read, and commented... it's nice to know someone cares!)

Made some good money today, and made quite a few people laugh... this counts as a good day... so I will give it a good rating!
4.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
November 17th, 1988:

Disney's animated feature Oliver & Company is released in U.S. theaters. To this date, I have never seen this movie in it's entirety... if anyone out there in the blogosphere has, and thinks it would be worth my time... then I will make a concerted effort to sit through it... let me know!

Keep on Reading,

1 comment:

  1. There are only two reasons as to why I watched that film in its entirety. The first being that I have always loved Oliver Twist and found it cute that they used animals to be the story. The second reason is for the song "Why should I worry" sung by Dodger... voice supplied by Billy Joel. Grandma Brittany and Tiffany is one thing... but think of even when the generation after us becomes grandparents. You've got Grandma Apple, Grandma Shiloh.... I pity the movie stars kids.
