Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bowling, in a word... murg...

Yes that's right, today I went bowling... and I have one word for you friends. Murg.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, murg is similar to meh... however, whereas meh denotes apathy murg, when used correctly should conjure up images of annoyance or frustration. Yes, that's right my friends, today I discovered that I suck at bowling...

For those of you who know me personally (and you all know who you are) it shouldn't come as any sort of great galloping shock that I have found yet another sport that I am in fact terrible at. I know, I know, people could argue that bowling isn't a sport, but more of a game... I'm not here to split hairs.

The purpose of this outing was to reconnect with some monsters. You see friends (I love that we're so comfortable with each other already, after only two posts) before I started prepping to come and work for the Mouse himself, I worked at another theme park. Canada's Wonderland, a Cedar Fair holding... :)

I worked at Wonderland for the Halloween Haunt 2009. I was a member of the Front Gate atmosphere crew, and we kicked ass. Winning the 'Atmo of the Year' trophy, stealing it from the clutches of those suckers in Clowns at Midnight... damned smug clowns.

Working for Wonderland was a blast, I met some really nice people, and some really awesome people (those ones know who they are) and I would certainly go back... we're it not for the fact that I'm going to be living 1000 miles away from Wonderland... the commute would be killer!

(for those of you blogoshpere friends who are curious, below you will see a picture of me in my Wonderland Scareacter get-up)

Pretty freaky eh?

I was The Hiker... or, if you were to ask my fellow Wonderland cast members I was more affectionately known as Vaginafacé. That's with a soft 'g' and an accute accent over the 'e.'

Suffice it to say, meeting up with the monsters was fun... having my ass soundly handed to me by three other people... murg.

On the getting ready for the move front... things are moving along swimmingly... I have most of my clothes packed (do you have any idea how difficult it is to pack for a YEAR?!?) and other things that I wish to take with me... now I just have to go.

19 more days friends... less than three weeks. This is getting exciting sportsfans!

I don't have any stupid/worst questions or examples of Canadiana Ignorance to report on today... but I've thought of another feature that I am going to add to the blog. The last time I worked at Disney, I kept a running tally of some of the names that were ACTUALLY seen by myself on employee name tags (friends, you will come to realize that one of my bigger pet peeves happens to be stupid/made up names). So look for it!
  • Names that I saw/overheard today

And now to end with a story...

One of my fellow monsters was unable to bowl today, because of a hairline fractured rib. Before you go feeling all sorry for him, just keep this in mind... he fractured the rib while dancing at a club, with a girl and tried to suppress a sneeze. His lung expanded so much from the force, that it fractured his rib. (That makes me want to smile) :)

The moral of the story is this friends: She probably wasn't going to sleep with you anyway, so next time... sneeze in her face.

The bowling was fun, but terrible for my ego... hearing that story made my day however, so I shall give today...

3.5 out of 5 Corporate Logos...

Keep on reading!


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