Friday, November 13, 2009

What's this whole thing going to be about?

Hello Blogosphere!

I'm about to become a Canadian abroad. I'm leaving the comforts of the ever more cool northern climes of the Toronto area, and heading south... way south... that's right, further south than Buffalo for the day to go shopping... or Washington DC, for a vacation from the everyday... heck, even further south than Orlando where that dream vacation of The Walt Disney World Resort awaits...

No wait... scratch that, thats exactly what I'm doing.

Not a vacation though... more like a getaway. A paid getaway.

In 22 short days I will be leaving the land that is my home, and heading for a land that is... not. But this isn't just any job I'm taking... oh no my friends (you... you don't mind if I'm already referring to us as friends do you?) I'm going to be working at the Walt Disney World Resort in sunny Orlando Florida... call 407-W-DISNEY for all booking info :) Check me out, not even on the payroll yet, and already shilling for the company... I'm such a good shill...

Back to the job. What will I, the actor (oh, hi friends, it's me again - I forgot to mention before that yes, I am an actor) be doing at one of the greatest complexes for live entertainment in the world? Why serving people food of course! But not just any food... Canadian Food, whatever that is...

Yes that's right, for a year, I will be working for the five foot mouse, Mickey himself. As a Canadian Cultural Representative at the Epcot theme park, it will be my job to empart all of my Canadianness to the guests at the park. Presumably I will be assisted in this endevour by my fellow CCR's, and the aforementioned "Canadian Food."

In addition to hearing about my exploits in the world of Disney... I plan to maintain a few regular pieces on this blog... including but not limited to:

  • Worst/Stupidest Guest Comment (Friends, anyone who has worked in the food service industry knows that when people go out to eat, they usually aren't thinking right, couple that with the fact that they're on vacation and they left their brains at home... you get my point)

  • Most Ignorific Question on the Subject of Canadiana (I have spent the last 26 years of my life living in Canada, and with the exception of that one time on the front yard after a blizzard, have never known anyone that had even been inside of an igloo, let alone lived in one on a regular basis. We do however, all ride around on polar bears... that's a Canadian right of passage... 16... polar bear, no questions asked)

  • Rating of the day based out of five corporate logos (Today being the first day that I set up my blog... it's a good day... and so)
5 out of 5 Corporate Logos!

That's all for now...

But keep a watch, I'll let you all know how the preparation for heading down goes...


(one more thing friends... I'm so happy that we're all going to be blogosphere friends... so feel free to leave comments)


  1. I'll keep good care of your polar bear while you're away

  2. Thanks Bodi... Nannuraluk needs to be walked three times a day, and he eats fish by the bucketfull, so... good luck with that!
