Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I sit here... gobsmacked!

Friends... a terrible injustice has just been revealed to me. Apparently, they do not have butter tarts in the U.S. How can a civilized nation, one that claims to be the most powerful nation on earth, not know about the culinary orgasm known as The Butter Tart.

In Georgia, and throughout the south, from restaurants to diners, deli's to greasy spoons you can find pecan pie. More often than not, sitting right along there next to the pie, you'll also find sugar pie. Sugar pie is nothing more than a large butter tart, and a pecan pie is the same thing... only with pecans on top. Now my question friends is this, if one is able to make a large... butter pie for all intents... why would one not be willing to shrink that pie down to a convenient and handy travel size?Why wouldn't you want one of these... when made properly (as only my mother knows how to do) they call to you with their shimmering golden filling and their flaky buttery crust. When you peel off the tin shell, and smell the sugar it takes you back to Christmas at Grandmas' (or something like that) And if you're really lucky, you'll get one where the insides flow out, and over your hand... mmmmm.... butter tarts....

Sorry, I'm good now. They're just so delicious...

This terrible piece of news got me thinking about something that I don't know if I was yet prepared for... there are going to be foods that I am used to, foods that I take for granted, that I am not going to be able to get in the U.S.
  • All kinds of candy... Crispy Crunch, Crunchie, Aero, Smarties, Maynard's Wine Gums (all excellent candy treats)
  • Swiss Chalet (and it's finger lickin' good sauce)
  • Milk in a bag (that's right American's... up here in Canada, we can get our milk in cardboard cartons, plastic jugs and plastic bags...
  • Ketchup chips... (a favorite of my cousin, and something I need to remember to pack for her)
Who knows what else I'll remember, but I'll be sure to post them one I do...

2.5 out of 5 today...
I'm going to chuck the bad score up to the not having butter tarts for a year... also, it cost me a lot of money to get my car fixed... and now it's ready for the trip down... :)

On This Day in Disney History
November, 17th 1989: Disney's The Little Mermaid is generally released in theaters. Being six years old at the time, seeing this movie in theaters was my first exposure to a Disney theatrical experience. Also, it was the start of a love affair... between me and Disney... incase you hadn't picked up on that.

It's a short one tonight friends... just needed to get that rant of my chest...

Keep on reading...

1 comment:

  1. I would have to say in the time you have left here to load up on as many of the goodies as you can. I went almost three years without the Aero bars and Ketchup chips. My ex from Chicago stared at the milk in a bag for 5 mins; shocked that this was how we also had milk.:)
