Friday, November 20, 2009

A theory... by TheCanadian...

It was announced recently that Oprah Winfrey will be taking her show off the air in the fall of 2011... a collective gasp ran through housewives across the world. It does however, raise the question as to what Oprah, the queen of media, and arguably the richest woman in the country (if not the world) is going to do with all of her free time...

A theory...

If one was to take the time to look for it ( one would see that across the board vice president Joe Biden is in a steady state of decline when it comes to his approval rating. You see where I'm going here friends?

For the election of 2012, where he will presumably be up against former Alaskan Governor Tina Fey, president Barack Obama will drop Biden from the ticket and replace him with Oprah Winfrey... a close personal friend. Not only would she be a fine match against any VP nominee the Republicans could throw at her, but it would guarantee the election for the Democrats by garnering the support of every housewife and henpecked husband in the country, regardless of party affiliation.

After winning the election with the Obama/Winfrey ticket, the democrats would have four years to groom Oprah into the 2016 nominee for president. Imagine all the good Oprah could accomplish as VP and President of the United States... or not... who knows how it would turn out. It does however, seem to me at least, to be a sound theory...

And that is my theory...

15 days friends... this thing is getting closer!

Today was a good day plus it's Friday, so I'll give today a solid rating...4 out of 5 Corporate Logos

On This Day in Disney History:
November 20th, 1946:

A press screening for Disney's Song of the South takes place in New York. Due to it's apparent rampant racism, this movie is no longer available for purchase... anywhere.

Except perhaps the internet... you can buy almost anything on the interweb... however, if you'd like to experience The Song of the South for yourself... by riding Splash Mountain at the Magic Kingdom... and catch up with Br'er Bear, Br'er Fox, Br'er Rabbit and Uncle Remus himself (referring to a black man as Uncle is considered rascist... ask Uncle Ben. So on Splash Mountain, Uncle Remus is represented by Br'er Frog)

Keep on reading!


  1. Ser, these accusations are baseless!

    Baseless I say. You are aware you are heading into the heart of the fatherland where the corporate are kings and the masses peons?

    Might want to keep a lid on things if you know what I mean...

  2. I will not... besides, it's just a theory... and that's the beauty of theories... they are like opinions, you can say whatever you want... so long as you stand by it...

  3. Not if they detain you under the freedom act. Then you're just a terrorist being held indefinitely in a secret jail. That's the beauty of the US 'o A. They can taze you, beat you, arrest you and get away with it.

  4. That'll be enough of your doomsday nay saying...
