Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The older you get... the older you feel...


Just outside my apartment there is currently a Mardi Gras party taking place... it's a party being thrown by Disney programs for all of the international and college program participants. It's a rockin' jam with a live Dixie band... New Orleans'd Disney characters... and some great Cajun food.

Here's the problem... most of the people in attendance are from the college program. And there is nothing that makes you feel older than being surrounded by people who are younger than you. In a little more than two months I'll be turning 27 years old... that makes at least 7 to 9 years older on average than most of the other people at this party.

I know twenty-seven isn't that old... but it is when compared to 18-20 year olds that have just arrived at Disney and are still bright eyed and bushy tailed...

Just a little rant...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Am I the only one who believes...

...that the mark of a good shower is good water pressure...?

Hello friends! Who's everyone doing? To update you... I moved. I'm no longer living in The Commons, I am now living just down the street in Patterson Court. Let me tell you why. Two reasons.

1) Most of my friends live in Patterson, and if you don't live in the same complex as them, you can't hang out after 1 am... and this past week I've taken full advantage of hanging out with my friends past 1am.

2) The Commons is a hole.

Having said that, at least they have good water pressure in their showers. P-court may rock, but the pressure in the shower leaves something to be desired. It's ok though... something can, and trust me... will be done about it. Not sure when... but I'll keep you all informed.

Other than that, not much else new is happening... however, I do start my first official day of restaurant assignor today... and I'm very much looking forward to it.

Keep checking back for updates...